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Healthy relationships support good mental health, while social isolation and poor relationships can be risk factors for mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.

Good mental health is linked to having a supportive network that you relax and have fun with, as well as call on in difficult times. We can sometimes be so busy that we lose touch with others, but making an effort to stay in touch can have huge benefits.

Ways to stay connected

  • Call a friend or family member for a chat or arrange a catch-up
  • If you don’t feel you have anyone to call, reach out to acquaintances and neighbours
  • Don’t be afraid to smile and say hello to strangers you cross paths with
  • Join networking, social or special interest community groups that meet on a regular basis
  • Consider volunteering, which lets you help others, and is a great way to meet new people
  • Take your children or pets to the park or playground